Name the Device Which Converts Electrical Energy Into Mechanical Energy

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Name The Device That Converts Electrical Energy Into Mechanical Energy Draw Its Diagram And Label The Parts Sarthaks Econnect Largest Online Education Community

Motor is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

. Name the electric device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. A motor operates on the principle that when a rectangular coil is placed in a magnetic field and current is passed through it a force acts on the coil that rotates it continuously. Advertisement Remove all ads.

Name the device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. An electric generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Draw the labelled diagram and explain the principle involved in this device.

D Light energy into electrical energy- Solar cell. Advertisement Remove all ads. An electric generator is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

A de This is a device that converts electrical energy into radiant energy. Option one or a is correct. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy while a motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

They operate using principles of electromagnetism which shows that a force is applied when an electric current is present in a magnetic field Motors have many different working parts in order for them to continually rotate providing Power as needed. Advertisement Remove all ads. Magnetic Effects C10 Name the electric device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

A Mechanical energy into the electrical energy- Electric generator. AC motors work a slightly different way. Video Explanation Was this answer helpful.

C Electrical energy into heat energy- Electric Iron. Name the device or machine which convert. They pass alternating current through opposing pairs of magnets to create a rotating magnetic field which induces creates a magnetic field in the motors rotor causing it to spin around.

So according to the given option often is correct. Generator is the source electrical energy in which mechanical energy gets converted to electrical energy based on the principle of Faradays law of electromagnetic Induction. An electric generator is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

As we all know that an electric motor here it is a electric motor converted electric energy electric and nosy into mechanical mechanical. A speaker in radio and television converts. Name the electric device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Name the device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Name the device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. An electric motor uses the magnetic effect of a current.

Name the device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Asked 1 day ago in Physics by SonamMeena 601k points Name the device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Dra This is a device that uses chemical energy to make electrical energy.

This is a device that will convert mechanical into electrical energy. And as the when electric energy is given to the motor it converted it into mechanical energy. Watch 1 minute video.

Science for Tenth Class - Part I - Physics. Join the 2 Crores Student community now. B Chemical energy into electrical energy- Cell or Battery.

NCERT P Bahadur IIT-JEE Previous Year Narendra Awasthi MS Chauhan. Answered on 29th Nov 2021. NCERT DC Pandey Sunil Batra HC Verma Pradeep Errorless.

Dre This is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. An electric motor is a device used to convert electricity into mechanical energy opposite to an electric generator. Both the devices work because of electromagnetic induction which is when a voltage is induced by a changing magnetic field.

Dra This is a device that converts solar energy to electricity. Name the device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Electrical energy into sound energy.

Name a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electric motor is the device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. That is an electric motor convert electrical energy into mechanical.

Solved A Device Which Converts Electrical Energy Into Mechanical En

Name The Devices Or Machines Which Convert A Mechanical Energy Into Electrical Energy Youtube

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